Thursday, November 8, 2007


My passport came in yesterday!!! I can't believe how fast it arrived--I just applied for it on October 29th. I paid the expediting fee for 3 weeks, and it's worth it. I also got a reply email from a guy who's interested in starting an ecovillage in Pecos, which has been my dream. Good things . . .

So, J. called yesterday and left two messages. I'm glad he called because at least I know he doesn't hate me, which YES, I know was irrational thinking. Go figure. He basically said that he did want to stay friends, that I was the best friend he's ever had, but that he doesn't know how to be friends with me, when he gets around me he can't not go into boyfriend/girlfriend mode. That he tears up when he sees me. I'm glad he told me this, because my mind reading abilities are a little rusty. I haven't called him, I'm not really ready. I'll email him later today.

Evie, the baby girl I'm watching, just spilled a whole can of tea onto her mom's papers and stuff. I tell you, being a mom is hard work. Watching her is like getting to test drive a car. I thought I really wanted kids, but to tell you the truth, I can't be for sure. I mean, there are days when I dream about having a little girl, and we're walking along the Pecos River, barefoot, dipping our feet in the water. We sit by the side of the stream and make dandelion crowns. She is brown, like me and has light brown wavy hair. I can see it. But then, there are some days when I wonder if I'm not too selfish to have a child. Good thing I don't have to make a decision now :0).

I'm feeling a lot of dark moon energy. I'm getting ready for me releasing ceremony this Friday night. It's also the first time our circle is meeting. I've been really wishing there was a coven or circle in Santa Fe, but the closest one is an hour and a half away. Well, about a month ago, I was on Witchvox and saw a posting from a woman in Santa Fe wanting to meet other witches. I emailed her and now there are six of us, maybe seven, who will be meeting Friday night for the new moon. Thank you Goddess, for answering a prayer in my life. For meeting this need. I look forward to making new friends and family.

August, my pal, is one of the people coming to circle. I'm glad. We met last November, and he's been my closest Pagan friend. We have a crazy relationship, but beautiful. There's energy between us. I look forward to crafting with him.

Blessings and Light!

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